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The Earth Elementals – Meeting your Nature Guide!

June 4th, 2012 by

TheEarthElements1Thank you to Silent Voices magazine for asking me to write a series of the Elementals – the nature spirits that make up our world. In my column, expect to be whisked away on a journey of magic and mystery with these glorious beings of creation. Every month you will be introduced to a nature being who will share insights into their existence through their messages, teachings and supporting ways.

I am passionate about sharing who these divine souls are and often give talks how to connect to the Elementals to support self-discovery and empowerment. There is nothing better than watching someone connect to their Love and presence for the first time; a connection so positively transforming, the effects of which can last a lifetime and more! Elementals are not just beings created to look after the planet’s environment but also care for the well-being of humankind and our collective ascension.

In my guest article (Nov. 2011), I introduced to you who the elementals are based on my personal accounts of working with them. We talked about ways to bridge communication with them and included a powerful meditation to help you to meet your own elemental spirit guide. Today I will be continuing where I left off in our journey to meet the first of the nature guardians – the Earth Elementals.

Earth elementals are very much real. They exist in the ground below you, the mountains and landscapes around you and in every crystal, flower or plant in your home. As they resonate with the element of earth they are concerned with the physical wellbeing of the planet as well as helping to maintain the balance of our physical bodies. Their form can range from very small to very large depending on the role they have. Like all beings of creation, their form represents their role. For example, Flower Faeries are very small in stature as their role is to maintain the colour and health of flowers, while Earth Dragons are huge in stature as their role is transmutation of perceived fear and lower energies from the physical earth of the planet amongst other duties. Other forms of earth elementals include – Gnomes, Elves, Pixies, Faeries, Stone Beings, Crystal Beings, Devas, Dryads and Wood Nymphs, to name just a few. All elementals are an extension of Source energy (Divine/God/Goddess/All That Is) so their ‘classification’ is really not important. As human beings, we tend to over analyse and conceptualise concepts until we can fully understand but trying to do this with a being that is energetic in nature can be challenging. Know that through the eyes of the elementals, their ‘title’ is not important. True many have incarnated over and over – just as human beings have – but most do not harbour judgement or ego; they see their roles as just as important as each others. Their combined aim is to maintain the homeostatic balance of the earth and to work alongside humankind to achieve this.

Earth elementals tend to manifest more as ‘physical’ beings than any other class of elemental. Some may chose to manifest in to the form that myth and legend has created. The first time I saw my faerie guide, she did in fact look like the beautiful, winged small being as fairytales suggest. But as I worked with her more she shifted in to what is more “her true form” as she says. When she chooses to manifest in a physical looking form her eyes are large, slanted and almost black. Her features are very pronounced and exaggerated, and her body is long and slim. In hindsight, I see why she chose to approach me as the softer version of herself otherwise I would have got a big shock! Depending of what on we are working on she may also appear as an orb or streak of colour and light.

Elementals will ask your consciousness what is the most appealing / appropriate form for them to take with you when you first encounter each other. No matter how well developed you are in terms of clairvoyance (clear-seeing) you may never ‘see’ a faerie. This in no way should discredit your natural ability, rather just show you that it may not be part of your path to engage with faeries through your vision. You may however sense them through your feelings (clairsentience – clear-sensing), hear them with your physical or inner ears (clairaudience – clear-hearing) or simply know in your heart or mind of their presence (claircognizance – clear-knowing).

Elementals exist within the element that they govern but just in a vaster, lighter vibration that our physical plane. This means that often people do not see, sense, hear and know of them, but they are always there! At particular times of the year, especially at the summer and winter solstice, the perceived veil between our dimensions dissolves making these occasions the perfect time to sense the elementals. However, as the planet continues to raise her vibration we are tending to sense more our nature friends, as well as our spirit and angel guides who walk with us. And with this comes the realisation that we are moving from the perception of separate levels of being/creation to accepting the divine truth that All realms of creation are One, and as such, are accessible at all times. This is the basis for the Ascension Kits™ and Essences™ I make as part of my path. As more people use them, I see them speak this truth too making their contact with the elementals consciously achievable and deeply beneficial. Some spiritual teachers may have you think that veils of existence are separate but to my experience, this is a mere illusion created to hold a person at a particular vibration impeding their spiritual growth and as a consequence, hinder communication with the other beings of creation.

TheEarthElements2You call in the assistance of elementals anytime you wish. If you are seeking assistance with your physical health, I recommend you can on the help of the earth elementals. Each human being has when they incarnate in to the physical plane an earth elemental guide assigned to them, which you can meet in the meditation journey below. Your earth guide helps you to maintain the balance of your physical body from the assimilation of minerals to maintaining the vibrancy of your skin. Just as they help to colour our plant and crystal kingdoms so too can they help to ‘colour’ your physical life too! I always know when my earth elemental guide is helping me when I stop at a particular flower when walking outside. I’ll find myself guided to breathe in the colour of the flower as my guide/higher guidance takes that vibration to a part of the area of my body that requires it. You can do this yourself the next time you are out walking or when choosing flowers for your home. Let your gaze be taken over the selection of colours before you and then stop where you feel guided. Feel that colour with all your senses and breathe it in to your body for as long as you feel guided to. You could also adapt this as a type of healing ‘chakra therapy’ breathing in the flower’s colour/energy to the corresponding colour of each chakra. It never fails to amaze me at how powerful this can be – chakra therapy right on your doorstep!

Our earthly friends also remind us to keep rational and grounded when in times of stress or pain. The help us to connect ‘our’ roots in to the ground to allow what needs to run off from us to be transmuted in to the earth, whether this is feelings of dis-ease or negative intentions. Earth elementals also remind us that all states of dis-ease/perceived illness in our bodies is preceded by our energy body. That illness is only our physical body’s way of healing. They help us to step away from titles of what we feel we have, for instance, the flu, in order for us to recognise that ‘flu’ is only our body’s way to release old energies/concepts that no longer serve. In this way we stop labelling ourselves as ‘flu’, ‘stress’, ‘headaches’, ‘cancer’ etc, and start to appreciate that we are only healing from the changes in our energy body. We move from judgement, which can hold us in these labels causing the symptoms of which to prolong, to a place of conscious awareness where we appreciate the changes in our energy body and so to can help ourselves release/clear what needs to. If we are mindful in this awareness we will never or very rarely (depending on our divine path) experience physical states of dis-ease. It took me a while to trust this lesson as I came from a scientific background. But I must say, from working with the elementals for years now I can honestly say I have had illness since. Now I welcome the odd cold as it just means my vibration is shifting; I am making way for the new as I clear out the old, albeit in not the most graceful of manners!

If you would like to meet your Earth Elemental Guide, I recommend this following meditation gifted to me by my Gnome guide. When I facilitated this journey in a recent meditation class, the participants were enthralled to meet among their guardians – gnomes, elves, pixies, faeries, stone beings, crystal beings, dryads, wood nymphs and other magical beings of the earth that have no title. I recommend you read the meditation first or perhaps record it so you can listen undisturbed. Allow yourself to drift into the supportive arms of the earth to enjoy all the mystery and wisdom it holds for you therein. In Love all-ways, Calista.

Meeting your Earth Elemental Guide

  • Sit outside in a place where you won’t be disturbed. Close your eyes and take some relaxing deep breaths. Allow your breath to still the chatter in your mind and to relax your body.
  • Focus on your heart in the middle of your chest. Imagine you are breathing in to your heart a beautiful golden light, seeing or feeling it filter out through your body as your exhale. Breathe in gold light; breathe out gold light in to your body and aura. See or feel the golden light run through the soles of your feet and spine connecting to the earth below you like golden roots of tree.
  • As you take your roots and through the earth, open your senses. How does it feel? How does it smell? What thoughts come to you of the earth? Without judgement allow every sense of the earth to come to your awareness.
  • Imagine yourself burrowing into the earth knowing you are completely safe and supported. Melt in to the earth; journey in to its depths, deeper and deeper connecting as one.
  • At the core of the earth you reach a cave, lit with candles. Relax here enjoying the comfort of the earth all around. When you are ready call on your elemental guide, asking for your earth guardian to make themselves known to you. Open your senses and your heart fully as they approach you now.
  • Get to know your guide. What do they look like? How do you feel in their company? Have you known them in other lives? Ask them any questions you may have, for example, asking their name? Opening your senses as the answers come to you.
  • Your earthly friend specialises in physical healing and loves to pass on this gift to you. If you feel guided ask them for healing. Perhaps they will do this by a laying on of hands, or as in my class, minister to you a potion of ground rocks and crystals specific for your aliments. Receive all with gratitude, relaxing in to the healing session and letting go of old pains, tension and labels that you may be carrying. Know you are perfectly healed, fit and well always.
  • Spend as long in the meditation as you like. When you have finished thank your guardian asking them to ground your energy before slowly bringing your awareness back to where you are sitting in the present moment. Have a drink of water or something to eat, especially if you received elemental healing. Write down your insights to aid future communications!

This article was originally published for Silent Voices Magazine in 2012.

If you would like to connect more deeply to the nature spirits visit the meditation store to download your copy of Meet The Elementals MP3 or join the Aligning to Your Crystalline Self program.

For more information on the Earth Elementals, in particular the Tree Spirits visit to listen to a special podcast first aired on the Soul Ascension Radio Show in May 2015. © Under full copyright.



May 4th, 2012 by

Giveaway1This week, I am giving away this beautiful Selenite, Larimar and Fire Opal pendant, hand-crafted with the Elohim.
One lucky winner will be chosen at random from all entering and announced on the 1st of May and the winner notified. Best of luck everyone! :)

To win:

1. Share this post onto your facebook and social pages.
2. Join (like) the Elohim facebook page at

About your prize:

You will receive this one-of-kind silver wrapped Selenite pendant adorned with genuine Ethiopian Fire Opals, Larimar, Rose Quartz and Amazonite.

Blessed with Unicorn Light to bring about the highest of joy, happiness and bliss for you. Supports communication with the Angels too and brings the wearer into alignment with their Source given power, path and prosperity. A truly beautiful stone to attune to! Good luck!!

To order your own custom made jewellery please email Calista at Elohim is jewellery made from and for the Soul to support your health, joy and divinity to soar.
‪#‎souljewellery‬ ‪#‎elohim‬ ‪#‎competitionprize‬

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The Atlantean Dolphins

April 29th, 2012 by

TheAtlanteanDolphins1It brings me great pleasure to end our Atlantean series with some light and wisdom from the Atlantean Dolphins. I have been captivated by dolphins since I was a young girl for their expressive, kind light. Even now, as the world looks to Japan to stop the culling of Dolphins, our ocean friends remain positive and ever-loving, sharing that no living being ever transitions in vain.

Last year, I began to create ascension tools and essences with the dolphins, which took me on an incredible journey of self-discovery and heart expansion. I was fortunate to meet and swim with them too, which was a dream fulfilled! :)

TheAtlanteanDolphins2Although I had connected with the dolphins energetically through our meditations together, learning we had shared lifetimes together, it wasn’t until we physically met that I could appreciate their true essence. Tears filled my eyes as I looked to them. Their energy was incredible; pure and brilliant, my soul sang with such Joy, friends! Memories of our lives together spent swimming together in the rivers of Atlantis came back to me in a flood of remembrance. It was overwhelming, yet this familiar sense helped me to transmute the fear of water that I had been carrying until this point in my life. And for this I was, and Am, forever grateful.

From meeting the dolphins and developing healing tools together, I can wholeheartedly say that my energy has increased 10-fold! I feel I have awakened sleeping truths within me and my vibration is clearer and lighter. Situations that would otherwise have triggered me, just don’t affect me. I have a renewed sense of peace within me. And this is what the dolphins do – it’s their very essence to bring us back to our innate peace. They have been doing this effortlessly since man first walked on the Earth, and even before when we existed as non-physical beings. Dolphins throughout the ages have been energy keepers who have held the space for man to ascend to his highest potential.

From my time in Atlantis, I remember working alongside the dolphins in my healing practice. I’m sure many of you have similar memories as I believe the majority of mankind living on the earth now had lifetimes in Atlantis. During this ancient time, our vibration was higher, vaster and we allowed ourselves to believe in our innate Divinity, expressing spiritual gifts of telepathy, telekinesis, instant manifestation and a deep sense of oneness and unconditional love to all that is. It was as many call it: heaven upon earth.

Many ascended beings from around, and beyond our universe were invited to Atlantis. Among these were dolphins that came from the oceanic planet within the star system of Sirius. They brought to Atlantis great knowledge and wisdom that the Atlanteans drew from, which shaped the world as we knew it then. Each person would communicate with the dolphins through telepathy and a heart-to-heart connection, much as we do now but at a more conscious level. Large pools of water were built for the dolphins, and many swam with them to learn the secrets of crystal healing that initially came from Sirius, as well as how to manifest from the sacred space of the heart. Those who feel they are from the planet of Sirius are normally drawn to dolphins – as well as whales and turtles – and may have a strong focus for supporting the earth and her resources.

With the fall of Atlantis, many of the dolphins retreated to Sirius but some decided to incarnate into human form to be the teachers who went on to create the ancient civilisations of Egypt, Greece and the Inuit traditions, carrying the frequency, technology and Love of Atlantis within them. Others incarnated into the physical dolphins to carry out a similar role in the oceanic realms. Atlantis remained alive within these way-showers who are now very much present to share the teachings again. By connecting to the dolphins, you automatically receive this knowledge, which can help to awaken the Atlantean aspects within your own Soul.

Connecting through Crystals and other tools

There are many ways to connect to the Atlantean dolphins. The best way is in meditation, meeting your spirit with theirs. To help you focus you may like to use crystals, such as Larimar, Angelite, Quartz and Rainbow Fluorite that all contain a similar vibration to the Atlantean dolphins. Fluorite in particular is wonderful to meditate with (as well as for self-healing) as it comes from Sirius. This crystal contains a tremendous amount of ancient knowledge waiting to be explored. When you use these crystals you will naturally bring in the support, light and wisdom of the Atlantean dolphins.

Another great aid which I developed alongside the dolphins is their own Ascension Kit® and Essence available from When you work with this meditation kit or essence call in your own etheric dolphin guide to awaken and deepen your spiritual gifts. Know that by inviting in the dolphins to your life you are helping not just your own ascension path, but also the ascension of our Great Mother Earth. The more Light you anchor, the more you raise the consciousness of the planet, helping us to collectively achieve heaven-upon-earth once more.

Message and Healing Visualisation from the Atlantean Dolphins

“We are the Atlantean Dolphins and we come to you today on our Light frequency to bring you a message of love, joy and peace. It has been sometime since we have channelled our wisdom to this extent through man; but now is the time when our presence is most needed on Earth.

Your way of be-ing here on Earth is so important to us as we look after the collective light of the planet helping to uplift and lighten its vibration. This is our calling, our Divine service. Many have written that we came to Earth at the start of Atlantis but in actuality, our earthly presence goes further back to the times of Allura (as some know it, Lumeria).

We came to Allura after a call from the higher celestial councils who wished to bring the Earth more light to help foster positive relationships between the non-physical beings at that time (the first race of man upon the Earth). We replied and came forth to the Earth from many oceanic planets including the star system of Sirius where we were healers and knowledge bearers. To some extent, the knowledge of your universe is still held within the physical dolphins of Earth.

Since the times of Allura (and Atlantis) we have held the space for the in-lightenment of man. And now we speak through many of you to say that within each of you remains the key to your in-lightenment: your Source Light. It is our duty in this time of re-awakening to unlock these keys so you remember your inner light. Many of you have already done this through conscious asking, and through learning to move through limitation. For those of you who haven’t, we call to you now.

You may have seen references to Dolphins in your dreams, meditations, or felt drawn to us through the recent media attention. Dear ones, take notice of this as a sign that you are ready to move forward to a lighter, purer way of be-ing. All you need to do is acknowledge and allow us to come forth to you. This may also bring back to your conscious awareness your life times in Allura and Atlantis unlocking any skills and experiences that are relevant for you now. Accept these ‘memories’ with love, and allow yourself from a place of non-judgement to accept and release what may be needed to aid your life now. Enjoy feeling lighter and happier as we align with you. Let your inner light Shine out in your world and know by accepting your truth you are paving more light and happiness for the Earth.

In our realm – which is not separate from yours, only more expansive in vibration – we hold the light of human-kind High. To us, ‘tomorrows’ are not important, only living for today. For the present moment is so dear and special, as you are to us. We treasure the ‘moment’ and give joy to our feelings. We are here today to remind you of this. As you awaken your light hold yourself in high regard and allow the sweetness of joy to be felt in each moment. We would like you to try this following exercise to help with this:

Close your eyes and savour just being alive and experiencing the now. Breathe in to it; let yourself be. Allow any thoughts or concerns to leave your body through your breath. Your breath, is your eternal connection to us and your inner Source light. And when you consciously breathe you clear your energy able to reach back further in to the deep expanse of you, like an ocean of peace waiting for you to swim in. Know you are as vast as any sea and can, if you allow yourself, flow with the tide of life. Living each moment feeling clear and free of concerns. Try this now, just breathing in to You, in-joy the sweetness of this perfect moment.

Our life is simple, loving and joyful as we live in this truth. Know you can live like this too sweet ones. Breathe out any resistance you may feel to this as you clear your perceptions from anything that is not Divine Love. Allow yourself to Shine and be present within your Divine Self now and always. Ever Love, ever true, your Dolphin friends.”


This article was originally published for the Faeries and Angels Magazine, Spring 2012. © Under full copyright.

If you would like to know more about the Atlantean Dolphins the crystal healing of that time visit the Atlantean Crystal Healing™ page for courses near you and the meditation store to download your copy of Awaken to Atlantis MP3.


The Water Elementals – Creating with the Mermaids!

April 4th, 2012 by

TheWaterElements1Today as I write, I am being serenaded by the sweet sound of the birds. Their melodies are so joyful; full of Spring and the infinite possibilities of this fruitful time. And what better nature spirit to profile to help us manifest these possibilities into form than the ever-flowing, ever-abundant water elementals.

Water elementals are nature guardians that look after each body of water on the earth from lakes to streams, to oceans and waterfalls. They govern the fluid systems within us too, gently encouraging all to drink more water. These nature beings resonate with the emotional body of the Earth helping to smooth any changes the planet goes through from ecological to energetic. When we consciously work with the water elementals, they help us to clear and balance our emotions too, especially purifying our heart and sacral chakras from self-doubt, feelings of undeserving or held hurt and anger that we can often carry in life. Although there are many types of water elementals, such as Kelpies, Nymphs, Water Faeries and Undines, it is Mermaids that I would like to focus on today for their ability to help us create!

You may have thought mermaids were just the fabric of myth or legend but they have existed alongside man since the dawn of time. Coming from a scientific background it took me a while to truly believe in the existence of these half-man/half-fish beings, but from working together for years now I can wholeheartedly tell you they are very much real! The first time I saw a mermaid with my physical eyes I was taken aback as she looked nothing like I thought. What I saw was the most incredible swirling vortex of light and water spiralling in and out; it was truly magnificent! I asked the mermaid why her kin are normally depicted as half-man/half-fish beings and she told me simply:

“The mermaids, like other elementals, take a form that represents the functionality of their being and/or habitat. As the planet is now coming to a greater level of awareness and understanding when appropriate we will chose to manifest in our energetic form.”

Every person has their own mermaid guide, just like every person has a guidance / guardian angel. When you begin to open your awareness to the existence of mermaids you may see your own guide in the way I did, or perhaps as a colour or physical form. You may also see through your other senses such as sensing your mermaid through your emotions. No matter how spiritually adept one is, sometimes you may never ‘see’ elementals with your physical eyes. Don’t allow this to discount your natural intuitive ability as it just means that you may be more adept through your sensing or hearing, or even through your sense of smell or taste. When I work with the mermaids to make their essences and Ascension Kits™ they come through my sense of knowing (claircognizance) rather than my sight (clairvoyance).

TheWaterElements2When giving ascension sessions, I will often call on my client’s mermaid guide to help them to manifest the change that they want in their life, whether that is better health, a new career, a sense of joy or prosperity. In each case, the mermaids help to release any blocks in that person’s belief system, or emotional body, so they can begin to allow these things to blossom in their life. For example, I have seen in practice those who seek a deeper sense of fulfilment in their relationships often carry at a core level a sense of un-deserving or a fear of being loved. Here the mermaids work with the person to gently unblock these issues allowing them to move forward fully accepting love and fulfilment in all their relationships, including the relationship they have with themselves. The person may not even have to know why they have emotional blocks to manifesting, only a desire to overcome them.

Just like water, the mermaids remind us to go with the flow of life, to be willing to change direction when the current doesn’t fit our desires anymore. They remind us that we have strength within us greater than any ocean and that if we fill that strength with love we can create anything we desire! Our watery friends also help to show us that there is abundance for ALL; lack of such is merely an illusion created by our ego when it is in a state of fear or doubt. The mermaids show us this truth and bolster our belief in creating the life we truly wish, knowing that all is possible when we believe it so. In Love all-ways, Calista.


This article was originally published for Silent Voices Magazine, April 2012. © Under full copyright.

If you would like to connect more deeply to the nature spirits visit the meditation store to download your copy of Meet The Elementals MP3 or join the Aligning to Your Crystalline Self program.

For more information on the Mermaids and how they can support through moving through change visit to listen to a special podcast first aired on the Soul Ascension Radio Show in August 2015.


The Air Elementals – Breathing Life with the Sylphs!

March 4th, 2012 by

TheAirElements1Before I begin I would just like to say thanks to those of you who have written to tell me that you are enjoying my elemental series of articles at Silent Voices Magazine. I am passionate about introducing people to the etheric beings that exist in our natural world and sharing how to connect with them to enrich daily living and the journey of ascension. Do let me know how you get on from today as we dive deeper into the series turning our focus to the healing and transforming world of the Air Elementals.

I will be sharing insights and healing exercises from them to support your well-being. Out of all the elements of our natural world, the element of air is the most easy to connect to given that we breathe it in with each breath. Not only does air sustain us, but it also serves as our connection to our Spirit and Soul, reminding us that we are much more than just our physical bodies.

To take time to become aware of our breath, if only for a few minutes per day, can bring in a wealth of health benefits as well as a remembrance of our true Divine nature. It also serves to introduce us to the spirit beings that exist within air itself. You may have felt the air spirits when you are out in nature feeling their wind pass over you or hearing their sweet melodies rustle through the trees and landscapes?

Air elementals make up the mental plane of the Earth and serve to balance and maintain our weather systems. They also help to look after our mental bodies too. They help to inspire our thinking, bring solutions to problems and assist in alleviating stress through stimulating positive thought and creative ideas. Air beings also assist in aligning both hemispheres of our brain so we can be both intuitive and rational at the same time. This helps to bring in intelligence and knowledge of the higher realms of existence without the interference of our ego, which can often get in the way of our spiritual embodiment.

TheAirElements2There are many different types of air elementals that exist including the most well-known, the Sylphs and their male counterparts, the Zephrs, as well as certain types of Faeries, Griffins Gargoyles and the Pegasusians – the race of white, winged horses often featured in Greek mythology who we can call on to help enlighten our Soul’s path. There are also many legendary stories of giant elemental Fire-birds, including the well-known Phoenix. The Chinese culture has the Fei Lie; the Greeks, the White Eagle of Zeus; the Persians, the Simurgh and the Arabs, the Ruhk/Roc.

Today, we will be focusing on the Sylphs who often appear as tiny sparks of light or transparent wispy beings moving rapidly from place to place. Sylphs, which come from the Greek word, ‘silphe’, meaning butterfly, can appear as graceful, slender beings when the winds are calm, or vital and forceful in storms and fast air currents. You can easily see Sylph activity above water where the air tends to be clearer. When you are ready to see Sylphs for the first time ensure you feel relaxed, and mentally ask for them to show themselves to you. It helps to relax your eyes, half closing them as if you are about to fall asleep. Open your heart to the experience as you take your gaze to the air just above the water. You may start to see flickers of light or darting whites, grays and blacks of energy as it passes in front of you. I often liken that seeing the Sylphs is similar to when you stand up too quickly when you see small flashes of light in front of you.

The Sylphs look similar but on a grander and more palpable scale. The more your allow them to come forward to you, the more you will see and attune yourself too. Each of us is assigned a guardian from each element from the time we were born. From the elemental of air we all have a Sylph guide, or collection of them. Those that have much Sylph activity tend to work as teachers, writers, dancers, singers or artists who inspire others in what they do. These individuals may not care too much for the physical things in life, especially sexuality. Instead they may place their drive and focus in to their creative works. But everyone can consciously access the healing, creating energy from Sylphs perhaps to spark new ideas, uplift ways of thinking, for helping through change or to get things moving in life when we feel stuck or stagnant in situations.

To help you align more with the Sylphs they have provided the following breathing exercise for you to do. Through its regular use you may find yourself feeling more balanced, peaceful and free-flowing in your daily life. In Love all-ways, Calista.

Breathing in to your light – healing exercise from the Sylphs

With pace of daily life it can be easy to not to live in the present moment and to forget how good it feels to just simply breathe in life. Often we can be too swept up with the things that we wish to do that day, or perhaps through our thoughts and emotions, be living in future or held in the past. But to be mindful of living in the now is crucial not only for our well-being but also to help us see that are we spiritual beings here to create and share love and peace with each other.

The Sylphs would like me to pass on this healing exercise for you to do each morning, or in times where you feel stressed. It will help you to breathe into your inner Light; your innate divinity and power. Doing this exercise will also help you naturally attune yourself to the Sylphs as well as create a peaceful feeling for the rest of your day.

Here are the steps –

1) Before you get out of bed each morning, sit up and focus on your breath. Take some long, deep inhalations with no intention other than to simply breathe and relax.

2) As you breathe in, allow your body to fill with air. Draw in this vital life-force completely, holding it for a few moments and then let it go as your exhale. As you breathe out, let go of any concerns or things you feel you have to do today. Just injoy being here, in the now…giving giving yourself permission to just breathe and be. Feel your own presence…let it expand and fill your room.

3) Set an intention for how you wish your day to flow and breathe this in with your breath so it becomes part of you. Such as, “Today is going to be a happy day filled with joy and sweet surprises that make me smile.” This will create a positive tone for the day and will get you in the frame of mind/being to allow everything you wish to create, to form with ease.


This article was originally published for Silent Voices Magazine, March 2012. © Under full copyright.

If you would like to connect more deeply to the nature spirits visit the meditation store to download your copy of Meet The Elementals MP3 or join the Aligning to Your Crystalline Self program.

For more information on the Faeries and how they can support you to bring in prosperity visit to listen to a special podcast first aired on the Soul Ascension Radio Show in July 2015.


The Fire Elementals – Self-Healing with the Salamanders!

February 4th, 2012 by

TheFireElements1Continuing on with my Elemental Beings series, today we dive in the fervent world of the Fire Elementals! Nature spirits of pure will and creativity who can aid us on our path of self-discovery and empowerment. And if we choose, can also support us to heal our mind and body too.

Fire elementals exist in our natural world; within every flame, volcano and explosive force. They are the very essence of the Sun, and exist within the physical and etheric planes of the planet to give us strength, balance and creativity of expression. Fire elementals represent the intent, the Divine will, of the planet and although they are dynamic, and often unpredictable to work with, they are integral to every type of healing practice.

There are many different types of fire elementals that exist, including those from the Dragon family: Firedrakes, Salamanders and Fire Dragons. As well as Fire Faeries, who love to work with man to achieve goals and wishes, although are seldom seen by the naked eye. Native American stories also speak of the Thunderbirds, sacred beings connected with thunder and lightning who’s role is to transmute denser energies of the Earth. You can often feel the resuscitating presence of the Thunderbirds just after a thunder and lightning storm as a quiet peace once again envelops the landscape.

However, the fire elemental that is especially dear to me who I would like to profile is the Salamander. For many years, I have worked with this beautiful being who exists in every flame. Know that every time you light a candle, you spark the presence of the Salamander who dwells within the fire’s consciousness.

The word salamander comes from the Greek word, “salambe”, which means fireplace. Today, we know of salamanders as the small newts that live in wet areas, the polar opposite to the original meaning. However both varieties do look similar with their slim, lizard-like forms. As well as finding Salamander in flames, they also live amidst volcanoes and their lava. The great Alchemist, Paracelsus wrote about fire salamanders in the 16th century saying they could be found in St. Elmo’s fire as well as in small balls of light during weather storms.

Salamanders can help us weather our ‘inner-storms’ when we tend to react in our emotions. Their energy, just like fire, is both destructive and constructive in its expression. When invoked, fire elementals can help us to burn away and purify all that no longer serve our highest good while supplying the creative force to build the new. In practice, I have found Salamanders to be a wonderful aid when manifesting more enthusiasm, courage, will-power, and in my case lately, the kick-up the backside to move out of common zones too!

I remember a few years ago when I started to work with Salamanders regularly and I found myself dying my hair bright pink, and on the same day, got up in front of a whole room of people sing Doors songs with a local band! Now if you know me, this is not my usual way of being, but wow, was I amazed at the new found confidence and courage I had to sing and shake my booty in front of so many people…and I believe, all inspired through attuning to these fiery friends!

If we ask them, Salamanders can help us to maintain a positive, happy attitude about ourselves, as well as awaken our spiritual senses, particularly clairvoyance. They do this by transmuting in their fiery energy any perceived fears or illusionary concepts so we can see clearly in any given situation. As well as stimulating and strengthening our auric field so we can more easily recognise spiritual forces within our lives.

On a physical level, Salamanders assist with maintaining the body’s circulation and core temperature, as well as regulating a balanced metabolism. On an energetic level, I have seen many times over that individuals with a sluggish metabolism are often those going through periods of self-doubt, lack of self-love and/or deep change. If this resonates with you, perhaps ask the fire elementals to boost your confidence and healing through any transitions in your life, and hopefully this should in turn boost your metabolic rate to its optimum level.

TheFireElements2Salamanders can also be invoked to help detoxify your body, or in any healing practice to aid any positive transitions that may take place. For this purpose, light a candle and ask the Salamander within it to bless your intentions for healing. I will often light a candle in the evening while I relax, asking the Salamander within to clear my energy from all the interactions of my day. You could adapt this to suit your own intentions. Be creative, and remember to thank the Salamander when you blow out the flame. You may find that every time you give thanks to the fire that the candle wick doesn’t smoke as it would before. Try this out and see for yourself! I find it forms a lovely confirmation that you have been communicating with the elements.

You may also wish to do the following energy healing meditation that I wrote with my Salamander guide. From the results of sharing this journey in my weekly meditation group, I am sure you will find it very interesting! The focus of this mediation is energy healing, but you could adapt it for any of the following intentions that fire elementals can help with: boosting confidence, creativity, courage, moving through change, increasing success, passion, leadership, power, personal fulfilment and freedom. In Love all-ways, Calista.

Energy Healing with the Fire Elementals

In this meditation, you will be attuning yourself to the element of fire and asking to meet your own Salamander fire guide. Enjoy this transformative journey with them as you clear anything that is no longer serves, in return for increased well-being and heightened energy.

This meditation is best done when you are feeling relaxed and in a place where you won’t be disturbed. All you will need is a candle, which you will light, and the intention to clear/shift/manifest/allow what you feel is most important to you in the moment.

  • Sit comfortably facing your candle. Take some deep breathes to relax your body and mind.
  • When you are ready, light your candle asking the fire to bless your intentions for healing.
  • As you gaze in to the flame, feel yourself attuning to the fire…become One. Breathe in its warmth and power and breathe out the same into your space.
  • Keeping your gaze within the fire, think about anything you wish to release, clear or allow from your being. Perhaps emotions or situations that no longer serves your path, fears, ties or hurts; anything really that you wish to let go of. As you think of them, bring them forward. Resolve anything that may be attached to these feelings/situations, perhaps offering forgiveness, compassion, love or appreciation where guided.
  • Breathe out all you are releasing into the fire. Give them into the flame for purification and transcendence. Take as long as you need here; breathing out and letting go, breathing in and letting love and strength fill you in return.
  • Enjoy how lighter and freer you become with exchange healing breath. Take the power and the strength of the fire within you. If you feel ready ask for your Salamander guide to make themselves known to you. Open your heart to sense their presence as they come forward within the flame. It may take time to sense your guide but know that they are with you, helping with your healing intentions.
  • Get to know your guide; asking them any questions you may have perhaps about them or for any healing guidance to aid your life.
  • When you have finished communicating, thank the Salamander and the fire for their support. Blow out your candle with love and gratitude enjoying the renewed sense of freedom and well-being within you.
  • Ground your energy with a cooling glass of water, relaxing for as long as you feel guided.

This article was originally published for Silent Voices Magazine, February 2012. © Under full copyright.

If you would like to connect more deeply to the nature spirits visit the meditation store to download your copy of Meet The Elementals MP3 or join the Aligning to Your Crystalline Self program.

For more information on the Dragons, the Fire Elementals who have much to share on how to stand in your personal power, visit to listen to a special podcast first aired on the Soul Ascension Radio Show in July 2015.

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The Atlantean Angels

December 29th, 2011 by


With winter soon approaching I am starting to feel Christmassy! Here in Scotland, we have had snow already. Frost is setting in and the trees continue to shed their leaves in preparation for this festive rest. Time for wrapping up warm and enjoying home comforts. :)

I seem to meditate more at this time of year; my focus draws inward as I remember all of the many blessings of the year. It gives me a great sense of appreciation for the gift of life, for the Divine within me and the loving embrace of the angels whose continued support knows no bounds.

During the last few weeks, I have found myself in the presence of the Angels of Atlantis, beings of pure crystalline light. I often invoke these magnificent beings when teaching Atlantean Crystal Healing™. I call them in to hold the space where we work as well as to aid everyones’ personal journey as they awaken the aspect of them that is Atlantean.

In the time of Atlantis (an ancient civilisation upon Earth that spanned over 240,000 years), angels would walk alongside man in conscious awareness. Mankind helped angels and angels helped man – we were not separate, but brothers and sisters who assisted each other in the expression and expansion of their God / Divine nature.

Through self-discovery, I have visited many of my incarnations in Atlantis drawing from each life knowledge and skills to help me in this present time. During most of my regressions I saw myself as healer, but at one point, an Atlantean Angel too! I remember how overwhelming this was as at the time I hadn’t thought this was possible! Nevertheless, I trusted what my greater Self was showing me and began to commune with this aspect of myself.

A few months ago, I was excited to learn that one of my healing clients had known me in their Atlantean life as the same angel! At the time I had been treating a wonderful man from the Netherlands who comes to me when he is over in the UK. Each time we do Atlantean Crystal Healing™ we both learn so much. I always felt a deep connection to him, much more than the regular client-therapist relationship. So it came as no surprise that after his last session he turned round to say, “Ah, you are Zoe!” I got immediate goose-bumps, or as I prefer to call them, ‘truth-bumps’ as he continued to tell me that in his therapy journey back to Atlantis he was greeted by his own healing angel, who named herself Zoe, and who told him that she was one in the same with myself! My client in his kindness asked Zoe if there was any guidance for me in my current life. She gave to him guidance that has helped me enormously as well as the beautiful confirmation that we are One and the same. It is no surprise now why I felt such a deep connection to my client as I had once been his guiding angel.

Much of the Atlantean Crystal Healing™ system comes from the aspect of my Self that was/is Zoe. I am grateful to remember this aspect of my being and to be able to share what life in Atlantis was like from her perspective. I firmly believe that the majority of humankind living a life right now has previously had a life in Atlantis. That the nature of this sacred and experimental time is encoded within our consciousness and very DNA. And as human consciousness continues to ascend in frequency, we are awakening to this truth and remembering our divinity and the multitude of intuitive gifts that we possessed during that time, such as telepathy, telekinesis, transportation of our being through our light body, instant manifestation and a deep sense of oneness and unconditional love for ourselves and our fellow man.

Like the first settlers in Atlantis, the Atlantean Angels were tall beings and would often present themselves with long golden air and deep blue eyes. They were assigned to each person to help them connect to their divinity, and as Atlantis progressed, to administer healing too. When Atlantis was first populated around 250,000 BC, those that arrived did not need healing of any kind. They were as pure as babies – awakening from pure non-physical consciousness into an equally as chaste physical reality. But as the generations continued those who felt they did not fulfil their purpose while living in a physical body, incarnated again with set experiences to live out. You could call this karma but not in the dualistic sense that many perceive these days. The Atlantean Angels, like modern day angels, would help those that asked to fulfil their purpose and bring support where was needed.

TheAtlanteanAngels2Atlantis was the birthplace of crystal healing, as well as other alternative therapies such as aromatherapy, colour therapy, sound healing, homeopathy, herbal medicine and flower remedies. However, crystal therapy was the main go-to therapy system and was used for all kinds of healing from re-balancing energy fields to re-growing limbs! Huge Quartz crystal pyramids were used as healing chambers where the practitioners of that time used the power of their intention coupled with crystals, colour and sound to renew a person’s mind, body and soul on any level that was required.

The Atlantean Angels would often be called on to help in the healing process and would use large wands made out of pure crystalline light to focus, emit and remove built-up resistance from a person’s being. Elementals, such as Faeries would also be called upon when necessary to assist individuals as well as ecological areas within Atlantis, much in the same way as they support humankind these days. Every being, whether angelic, elemental or human worked together for the best intentions of all. But as the collective consciousness of Atlantis diminished, and with it the vibration of that part of mother earth, the Angels and Elementals re-emerged into purely spirit realms. Some continued to stay in the physical, choosing to incarnate as crystals or in some cases, human beings to hold the vibration of Atlantis within them to support future generations.

Today there are many crystals that resonate with the vibration of the Atlantean Angels. Crystals such as Atlantispar, Kyanite, Larimar, Diamond, Scolecite, Fluorite, Moonstone and Clear Quartz, all bring in different qualities of this age. When you use these crystals in meditation or in healing you will naturally bring in the support, love and guidance of the Atlantean Angels. You can also call on your own personal Atlantean angel to awaken and deepen your spiritual gifts and remembrance of your time in Atlantis. If when you do this, the angel that steps forward is your own guidance angel, don’t be alarmed. Many of your guidance / guardian angels have followed you through lifetimes so those that you connect with now you probably connected with also in Atlantis.

In the presence of the Atlantean Angels you may feel a gentle cool breeze past by and through you. These angels work with the elements of light, air and crystal frequencies and as such carry a very fine vibration. They can support you in your daily life but also to fulfil what you feel is your path and purpose here on earth. They have gifted the following exercise to connect with them and receive their exquisite empowering energies. InJoy, beautiful souls! In Love all-ways, Calista.

Self-Healing / -Empowerment with the Atlantean Angels.

Settle yourself in a quiet place and if you feel guided, light a white candle and dedicate it for the purpose of connection and healing. Take a few deep breaths to relax, centre and to ground yourself.

See yourself in a beautiful Clear Quartz pyramid. Lay down on the crystal bed you will find within. Breathe into your heart and out through your heart. Ask for your personal guiding Atlantean Angel to come forward to you. Opening your senses as you see, feel, hear and/or know of their presence come in. Talk to your angel any concerns you have. Pass them over to your angel and let them go to them without judgment. Continue to breathe deeply as you release all that no longer serves you.

Ask your angel to give you healing or to increase your sense of empowerment. You may see, feel, hear and/or know as your angel gentles shares their lovingly Light through their hearts and / or their healing wands of Light, directing the crystalline frequencies into points and areas in and around you body. Continue to breathe deeply and relax in to this beautiful experience. If your hands feel guided to rest on certain parts of your body, go with this. Let the energy flow through you freely, closing your eyes and relaxing to receive. Your angel and your intuition will let you know when the healing is finished.

Thank you Atlantean Angel and talk with them if you are looking for guidance to best serve your life in that moment. When you are ready, gently bring yourself back to the present, grounding yourself by feeling your feet connect into the heart of the Earth.

The more you do this exercise, the greater your vibration will be aligned to that of the consciousness of your Divine Self as well as the Light of your Atlantean Angel. During the session you can also ask your angel to send Divine Love to situations that you feel could benefit from this support.


This article was originally published for the Faeries and Angels Magazine, Winter 2011. © Under full copyright.

If you would like to know more about the Atlantean Angels and their crystal healing techniques visit the Atlantean Crystal Healing™ page for courses near you and the meditation store to download your copy of Awaken to Atlantis MP3.


A New Dawn!

October 4th, 2011 by

ANewDawn1As the infamous year of 2012 draws to a close, many are poised on the edge of their seat waiting to see what will happen on the 21st of December, 2012: the date the ancients prophesied would see the end of the world as we know it. As there are so many views on this, it I wanted to go straight to Source to see what this time really defines. I would like to share with you what I received and gives thanks to Jesus, Lady Nada and Archangel Metatron and Source of All that is for this message, which I hope will serve you as much as it did for me.
I believe this message will best serve those who have chosen to ascend in this life-time, i.e., who are consciously raising their vibration to embody the greatness and potential that they were born with. Some may call this enlightenment or Oneness with everything within and without. This sharing also draws from the perspective of those who will not / do not wish to evolve on this path, such as those living a purely 3rd dimensional reality, focusing just on the material and physical aspects of existence. Fifth density being is also referenced as this is where most of us choosing to ascend will evolve into.

May this message bring love, guidance and reassurance to aid your transition through this most-important of dates! Remember above all else that we are All going the same way, just playing out life at different levels of perception. With the best of our intentions we cannot judge or interfere with the free will of another living soul, even if they are our dearest of loved ones. If these souls do not wish to raise their vibration based on their soul lessons or wishes, we cannot force them. All is always, well. There is never a time limit to ascend or evolve consciousness, and it truly will expand with our without our participation.

Message for the Ascending Souls

“And so it is, December has approached and with it two energetic shifts will take place upon Earth. The first of which will be on 12-12-12 – a time where the influx of Divine Feminine energies will be at the highest ever on planet earth. For a matter of a few moments on that day the earth and those of you who are on their ascension path will receive, with open hearts, a deeper sense of belonging and unconditional love for all that is. For those of you who are female, you may have felt more powerful the last few months; more empowered to do the things you wish to do instead of looking for validation from others. And as the Divine Feminine rises within the ascending males many will find great relief after 12-12-12. For the incremental amounts of pure Divine Feminine energy that have been flooding to earth (and reflected out from Mother Gaia) over the last few months have affected the lower mental planes, clearing what is no longer needed in all those choosing the path of ascension. This has brought much confusion, a sense of loss that cannot be rationally understood, and / or a tendency to ’run’ from situations in ascending souls who were not in balance with their yin/yang energies. As the lower mental planes become clear calm will be restored in those that felt off-balance. This re-calibration of earth is needed to prepare her, and those that are ready too for the move into 4th density being taking place in the galactic shift of 21-12-12.

Not everyone on earth will take part in the 4th density ascension as it is not part of their Soul journey at this time to do so. They will not leave the earth in some sort of apocalyptic event for many will not even feel any change occurring within, or around them, at 12-12-12 nor 21-12-12.
You may be mocked by these souls for your beliefs on ascension for there are many souls living in 3rd density that firmly believe the material world is all there is; that there is no life after physical existence.

This is part of their belief system that is required for their Soul to grow. Many are not ready to evolve into the 4th dimension and will deny its existence to you as false-hood or deem you mad for believing in such. Know all is well for each Soul upon earth is living at different stages of consciousness, and all choose their existence to match their Soul’s growth. Many of you reading this however are doing so because you are ready to take the leap in to a new way of being, and are ready to alight from what are perceived as karmic ties, limiting beliefs, old conditionings and thought forms of the 3rd density world. To you, this message is for. You may also be guided to this article already in the 4th density, or perhaps in the 5th as part of you requires clarification of what you already know to be true. Know all is well Dear ones. Many Souls among you are choosing to experience more of the lower earthly planes and as such will not accept or be a part of the earthly shift into 4th dimensional being. Do not pass judgment or try to change these Souls even if they are your loved ones. Remember they have free will like you and as such have chosen their path of being.

See them, as well as yourself, in compassion. Give ALL your unconditional love. For those of you choosing to ascend with the planet move with grace and know you do not have to do anything in particular to herald in the new energies. There is no specific activation, meditation or workshop needed to align your being with the new lighter frequencies of the planet. There is also no specific ‘time’ on the 21st of December either that the galactic shift will occur.

ANewDawn2What we will say as guidance is to take a moment during that day to sit and breathe. Simply breathe into yourself, into your heart and allow yourself to just feel the moment. Feel your power and presence; your own Divine Light. Know Mother Earth holds you like a child and accepts all Souls who are ready to move forward with her. Just having the intention that you wish to move up in your vibration – to ascend your consciousness – is all you need to do to be a part of the shift. Yes, the poles of the earth will shift, but know dear ones they have been shifting for years.

If we are to assume for a moment that time is linear, then we can say that the galactic shift started to occur in 1950 and culminates in the rebirth of earth (birth of the New World) in 2012. This ends the last galactic cycle of 26,000 years, which the ancients prophesied. But there are more shifts to come. There will be a shift in your cellular make-up in 2017 and a complete re-shuffle of societal living in 2030 where most of your world’s population that are still vibrating at 3rd density will leave the planet earth. Some will reincarnate on to other planets to continue their experience of the lower planes of being, others will decide to ascend in other dimensions that match their soul’s growth. At this time, do not be concerned with what will happen in the ‘future’ as the now moment is truly the only ‘time’ that matters. What can best serve you at this time in terms of preparing for the shift of 21-12-12 is to keep in your heart and seek not the truth of others as a means of clarification of your path or level of being. Too much emphasise can often be placed on what level of consciousness a Soul is vibrating at – 3rd, 4th and 5th density or beyond – that it can actually hinder your progression.

From our perspective you are all Masters already. All Divine Creators that are capable of 12th dimensional being and although due to what YOUR soul has personally chosen to experience some of you may not in this lifetime believe nor accept this as the truth, and that is OK. Instead of identifying yourself as a ‘density’, just allow yourself to be. And if your intention is to raise your vibration, and with it your sense of truth/being/belonging, then you will naturally create through your intention.

Remember your consciousness always determines your reality. Therefore naturally enrich your consciousness by taking time to ‘be’ with your Self each day. And if you feel there is something yet to resolve within you, don’t worry about not being able to fully integrate it before 21-12-12. There is always ‘time’, and no-one that chooses to ascend will be left behind.

If you feel you have issues to resolve, shadows to face and fears to transcend etc, spend time to be in the flow of them. Without judging them or identifying with them, just ‘be’ with them. Breathe in to them, give them light and you will soon see the illusion of them either leaves you, or becomes integrated into your being. Mother Earth will not all of a sudden enlighten fully after 21-12-12, how could she when there are many living upon her still wrapped in created limitations. What she will do however – just like you if you are willing – is continue to give light to any darkness within and without until she has fully ascended in to her pure, natural state of being. And through her purging, she will naturally reflect and hold the space for you to do the same so you can rise up together.

After 21-12-12, the Souls that incarnate onto the planet will only be of the 4th density and above, and part of their soul’s purpose will be to help create the New World that will look and feel very different to the world you see now. To those still in the 3rd density, the world will not change that much, but to those in the 4th the world will start to become brighter, fuller and have a real sense of unity. Communities of light-workers will come together and more renewable energy sources will be created to replace those that rely on fossil fuels and earthly resources.
Your Mother Earth will reach a level where she no longer has to, nor wishes to, experience lower planes of being and therefore her resources will become limited to those at a 3rd density vibration. The economy will continue to suffer being replaced with an exchange of skills system. From the higher 4th density perspective this will be a blessing for everyone. Everyone who chooses the path of ascension will be able to allow and live in perfect abundance, and will barter and exchange their Source-given skills to enjoy a rich and happy life. Life as many of you know it now will change. But for those who have no wish to ascend, or wish to experience more of the 3rd density, life as they know it will not change all of sudden at 21-12-12, but it will in time.

The radiant Golden Age is returning but unlike other times, will not fall. Gone are the days of rise and fall empires such as Lumeria and Atlantis. The collective karma of those times that has been part of you, right down to very DNA, is now clearing allowing you to accept and integrate more Light into your being. And as 4th density souls move into the 5th, your hearts will become fully enlightened. Your Light Body will start to appear and become integrated.

You will know yourself as a consciousness co-creator with the Divine, and soon as after as omnipotent Creators in your own right. You will be embody skills of transportation between realms and consciousness beyond your thoughts at this time. Heaven-upon-earth will be reborn and this time will remain for those who are chose this reality. And as always, all will be well for every Soul as Creation continues to expand through you, as You. In love and support all-ways, you friends of the Light.”


This article was originally published for Silent Voices Magazine in 2011. © Under Full Copyright.

To support your journey of ascension visit the meditation store to download your copy of Activating Your Light Body MP3. A powerful meditation to embrace 5th dimensional being.


The Goddess Isis – becoming a Divine Alchemist!

May 3rd, 2011 by

TheGoddessIsis1The radiant force that is known as Isis has had many lifetimes on Earth. Her most famous perhaps is as the high-priestess Egyptian moon goddess. Isis is regarded as one of the most important deities because of her many functions; motherly yet business-like, feminine yet strong. Of her many functions, it’s her ability to help one manifest that stands out the most to me. I have never came across a more powerful ally to help inspire goals and to keep the momentum to focus on them with trust, allowance and surrender until come into form.

Isis has shared a short message and manifesting exercise to us spark our own inner magic and become the Divine Alchemist that our Soul knows us to be. Whether you would like a more open flow of prosperity in your life, more compassion, more joy, more love or better health…Isis is here with you to help you to conceive, believe and achieve it!

A Message from Isis

“Beloved sisters and brothers, today I will be helping you to bring in anything you wish in to your life through showing you how to manifest from your sacred centre of being – your heart. Now is the time to live the life you want, that you have always been destined for. Know that you have the ability to attract whatever you wish to bring in to your life. Be it material needs, physical goals, emotional or mental balance and so on. The key is to believe you can and then experience it fully!

We share today manifestation exercises to bring about the life you desire. I hope you will find benefit from them and know deeply dear sisters and brothers that you deserve to be happy; you deserve the life you have always dreamt of. It is here for You…trust and allow.”

Become a Divine Alchemist

Invoking your own Divine magic as Isis shares simply means living your life in alignment with the Law of Attraction. This is a principle that defines that which is like itself is drawn; that all we can conceive we create! You already use the Law of Attraction in your life for every thought you have brings about a belief or action that then crafts the reality you live in. Everything is a reflection of what you believe and when you become conscious of this, you can easily build the life you want.

When align to the Law of Attraction, we affirm ourselves as the creator of our reality. We understand that there is no external force controlling ourselves and that which we call the Divine / God / Source is always rooting for us to become one with the reality that is most important to use. Bridging where we are to where we want to be is as simple as choosing it as a reality and allowing ourselves to in-joy life as the gift it is.

Here are a few principles to apply which makes this shift in consciousness easier:

1) A Positive (Allowing) Attitude

When you are open to change and free in thinking, you can easily create the life you want. Being positive in your thoughts, will attract in turn positive actions and reactions. Even if events in your life do not feel good at the moment, finding what to appreciate, no matter how small begins to transform your outlook and from here all will snowball at a more positive level. Appreciating what you can in the now, helps you to manifest only more blessings in the future. It sets the space and aligns you back to your innate divinity where truly, truly beautiful souls ALL is possible!

2) Visualisation

Another essential technique is to make a mental picture of what you wish to bring in to your life, a valuable technique that Isis will take you through shortly. It is vital that you actually picture where you want to be in your life. For instance, picture yourself in a better job, finding your other half, being more abundant, happier etc. Then you will then have the ability to draw what you need to enable those pictures to come to fruition. You can never really reach the position that you yearn for unless you have a definite idea of the direction you are taking. Where you see yourself being can be helpful in discovering where you want to be, as well as helping you to reach your goal. And to enhance this technique even more, feel yourself ‘already there’! Take yourself into that moment where what you want has physically formed and feel how good it feels to have allowed that, to have created that. Let yourself celebrate and feel the joy of your dreams becoming real-ity!

3) Affirmations

TheGoddessIsis2Often, the word affirmation conjures up images of how other people can confirm wants and needs, but when it is taken in the perspective of the Law of Attraction, affirmations are really down to you. Thus it’s important to begin putting in writing what you want, writing it as if you have already achieved it. For example, if you wanted to bring in more happiness in to your life, you wouldn’t say, “I want more happiness in my life”. Instead you would use the present tense by writing the affirmation of, “I am happy in every area of my life”. By doing this you are confirming without any shadow of doubt that you have already aligned to be happy. This creates an energy around you, which attracts the events, people and situation that will bring you happiness. By saying your affirmation first thing in the morning for at least 30 days, will not only set the tone of your day on a positive, allowing way of being but will keep you focused on what you want. Remember that a goal without purpose drains your reserves. Know where you are going. Those who are successful in their lives are those who set goals, focus on them and allow them to be born. And when you say your affirmations, really feel them and know it is inevitable that you will achieve them!

4) Always Keep Your Eye on Your Goal

As we have said, keeping a focus on what you want (your goal) and why you want something (its purpose) is an essential technique to becoming a divine alchemist! It’s important to not be side-tracked by situations that happen in your life, and to keep your eye on the things that you want to accomplish. The more focused you are on your ambitions, the greater the likelihood that you will achieve them. You may choose to have your written goals placed in areas that you regularly visit, for example, around your home or work place. I find placing my goals in the kitchen helps me. I will read, visualize and feel them already born when I am cooking! Creating a ‘manifestation or dream board’ also works well. To do this collect images of what you would like to bring in to your life from magazines, the internet or even more beneficial draw them yourself. Write down the feelings of what you would feel when achieving your goals. Make your board colourful, positive and happy and place in your living room or bedroom so you can look at it often. It will help to keep you focused while creating a positive, loving energy in your home. Remember, like-attracts-like. So if your home feels happy and loving then you will attract this is other areas of your life!

5) Allow Yourself to Move Forward

You can put into place as many goals and intentions as you like in your life, but if you do not really get going on anything, they will all amount to nothing. As soon as you begin to have positive thoughts, picture where you would like to be, use affirmations, and keep focused on your ambitions, then you are ready to begin progressing towards your goal. It doesn’t matter if you achieve large or small steps – all is progress and all are steps towards a life that truly fulfills you.

Manifestation Exercise

Sitting in a quiet, comfortable space, close your eyes and begin to focus on your breath. Breathe in slowly and deeply for at least 3 cycles and allow yourself to relax. As you breathe in imagine you are breathing in a beautiful Golden Light, and as you breathe out, feel this light flow from you into your space. All tension and thoughts leave you as you attune more and more to this radiant golden light.

Allow the light to fill your whole body. Seeing or sensing it flow down from the crown of your head, to the tips of your fingers, to the tips of your toes and from here out through the soles of your feet connecting a cord of anchored light into the centre of the Earth. You are immersed and held safely in this radiant Golden Love. You are One with your Divine Self…One with the whole of Creation.

When you are ready, call on Isis to be with you, saying aloud:

“Lovingly Goddess Isis, may you be with me now. May you now channel your Divine Light through me to support all I am allowing to birth to be created with ease and grace. So be it, so it is”

You may feel Isis’s empowering, warm energy in or around you. Open your senses and heart to her presence. And then feel into something that you wish to bring in to your life. Write it down and hold it in your heart.

Visualise what you want already created. How does it make you feel to have brought this in to your life? How is your life enhanced by it? How better do you feel? Embrace fully all the senses you experience. Bask in the joy and happiness it brings and feel good that you have allowed and gifted yourself this dream to be born. This is the key to manifesting: creating and living the experience within your emotions as if it has been created already.

Thank Isis now, asking her to support this intention to fully birth – clearing away anything that has in the past blocked you from receiving. Ask her to help you to keep open and in the receptive mode.

When you are ready, attach the piece of paper with your intention on to your bedside. Read, visualise and feel into your goal already created as you wake each morning and again at night, just before you fall asleep. And watch just how quickly your dreams come to light!


This article was originally published for the Faeries and Angels Magazine in 2011. © Under full copyright.Isis is also a wonderful guide to call on for experiencing your previous lives as well as to travel into different dimensions. To connect with her for this purpose, download your copy of Discover your Other Lives MP3 available in the meditation store.

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