Soul Healing with your Unicorn
Just as you have a Guardian Angel that walks with you so too do you have a Guardian Unicorn. Once regarded as the fabric of fairytales, Unicorns are truly real.
Meet your Dragon Guide Soul Immersion
Meet your Dragon Guide is an adventure into the many realms of Creation! Soar on your guide’s back to journeys untold as you step into your full Power!
Meet your Spirit Guide Soul Immersion
Meet your Spirit Guide combines an intuitive workshop with your Soul Immersion journey.
Connecting to your Inner Child Soul Immersion
Connecting with your Inner Child is a deeply transformative journey that creates a clear, loving bridge to merge with your inner me.
Sacred Aura Breath Soul Immersion
The Sacred Aura Breath is an empowering technique for body, mind and spirit that was shared with Calista from Archangel Raphael.
Discover your Other Lives Soul Immersion
Discover your Other Lives helps you explore your past, future or other dimensional lives. You will first visit The Great Sphinx to meet the Goddess Isis.
Meet your Guardian Angel Soul Immersion
Meet your Guardian Angel combines an angelic workshop with your Soul Immersion journey.
Align to your Divine Self
Align to your Divine Self increases innate intuition and promotes a neutral, loving perspective.
Become Self-Empowered Soul Immersion
Do you have a power place that you visit when you meditate? A sacred haven where you feel at your highest? In this powerful journey, Sunstone will guide you to this home-from-home.
Meet the Mermaids Soul Immersion
This meditation supports the clearing of limiting beliefs surrounding lack and self-doubt while holds the space to align you to the creative and intuitive mermaids.
Loving your Body Soul Immersion
When you look in a mirror, what are the messages you tell yourself? Are they approving, disapproving or neutral? Is there scope for to love and appreciate you more?