Unicorn Rising award-winning book

“If you find yourself drawn to the pure and mystical energy of Unicorns, or just want to become more in tune with your truest nature, then Unicorn Rising is the perfect book for you.” Radleigh Valentine
One of the best guides on Unicorns and how to navigate the shifting times we are in with grace and gumption! Enjoy your copy of the award-winning book, ‘Unicorn Rising: Live Your Truth and Unleash Your Magic’
To join the #UnicornRising revolution by signing up for my newsletter and enjoy connecting with other unicorn lovers via Instagram and our Unicorn Healing Tribe on Facebook.
“I love the way it is written with real warmth and I get such an uplifting feeling from it. I enjoy the meditations and ‘taking part’ throughout the book, writing things down really helps me. I get such a powerful, yet very gentle and feeling of calm from the unicorns. I enjoy how it has helped me to look at things differently and be able to move my life forward in a different and better direction, and how it’s okay to be me”. Louise
“Calista has given me the courage to be myself and to stand out as the unique individual I am, without fear of what others will think about my beliefs. Her personal story is inspiring and the warmth of her words envelop you with a sense of comfort and hope. Unicorn Rising has helped me to embrace my weirdness and appreciate my differences, even though if I’m honest, I was sceptical at first reading a book about unicorns but how wrong was I?
The Unicorns are surely colouring me and my world differently and I’m certainly trusting and having faith in Divine Will in my daily life, instead of trying to direct and control it, and as a result miracles and synchronicity are happening every day.
Take a detox from social media and try out some of the meditations in this book and prepare to be amazed. My altar is all set up for my daily Sadhana too, so thank you Calista xxx” Mrs E.L. Grant
“This book is inspiring, uplifting and an absolute must for anyone who is interested in unicorns or wants to develop their connection with their unicorn guides. I thought I was already awakened to my unicorn guides but this book has taken the connection to much deeper levels and has taken me on an incredible journey of self discovery. A first reading has only just scratched the surface, this is a book I will be returning to again and again. Calista’s beautiful loving soul shines through in this book, thank you.” Zoe
“This is a fantastic read that will surely open new doors of insight for you through the meditations and practices found within the book. I love how easy it was to read which made the book simply impossible to put down. Calista’s teaching style and her ability to encourage and give hope sings out from every page. If you would love to improve your life and your outlook on it… I highly recommend this book.” Sam
Why this book?
I’ve been captivate by Unicorns since childhood as know doubt you have, too! But it wasn’t until 2007 that I met a Unicorn, actually two, for the first time! Ever since my life has never been the same.
Alongside the Unicorns, we created the certified hands-on modality, Unicorn Healing®, which has now practitioners in five continents. In response to practitioner and client requests comes this uplifting guidebook, which introduces you to Unicorns and escorts you through a journey to awaken your soul, spirit and Godhood.
Join me on an adventure from closed-off scientist to unstoppable She-Ra, with love, tears, and heart-expanding lessons along the way!
Fun, enthralling and original, this book weaves wisdom from Unicorns, nature spirits and our collective Rainbow Spirit on how to live our path, power and purpose. With stories of breakthrough, uplifting artwork and interactive Unicorn energy attunements throughout, this on-purpose guide is for those ready to Rise and Shine!
Why publish now?
We only must look at our world to see that it is changing. Our current Age of Aquarius is fierce in its demand to live united, both within who we are, and with each other. Those who are not ready for this freedom, dig their heels in as they cling to the old paradigm of separation. This is echoed in the political arena, and at an intrinsic level, mirrored by an inner desire break-free from old ways. Yet, what is happening in our world is nothing new. Every 2000 years, the collective conscious of humanity shifts its vibration, and now, we are in a phase of ascension.

In our current age, religion, which was once the primary escort into our consciousness, is breaking away. Signs, symbols and synchronicities are now touchstones for greater awareness and meaning. And what better symbols of our inherent nature than Unicorns – spirit beings of pure Grace and Magic, who are supporting humanity (as they have done since the dawn of creation) to embody a world where we can celebrate each other’s differences, yet know wholeheartedly, that we are one.
Far from their fluffy, mythical persona, unicorns are strong luminaries that guide us to never settle for less that we are, for less than we can become, and to always believe in our valued contribution to the world. Unicorns herald the voice of our soul – that we are Creator incarnate, here to take consciousness to untold levels and in the process, have fun, be free, stand strong and express ourselves without censure. They show us our ineffable nature, which can be as soft as a flower or as powerful as a storm, and inspire us with the keys to drive our life from the inside out. They usher us beyond the duality of light and dark and into the neutral, embodied state of self-actualisation.
The “inner unicorn” within us all is evolving every day, carrying the eternal message to equate spiritual well-being with physical, emotional and mental health if we are to live a life of true meaning and joy.