Unicorn Healing® is a certified hands-on therapy system that brings about health, wellness and empowerment through connecting with the Unicorn Realms. This means of energetic healing and self-discovery was created in 2009 through Calista direct from the Unicorns to support the global awakening and ascension of humanity.

Receiving a treatment of Unicorn Healing® helps awaken you to your soul, spirit and Godhood, while providing deep healing and spiritual mastery. Unicorns present in every session to provide a high-vibrational space where you can meet and merge with your soul, spirit and Godhood, and align to the joy, health and healing that is always here for you.


Natalie, a Unicorn Healing® practitioner from Scotland, shares how becoming a therapist in this beautiful system has supported her personal development:

“To become a Unicorn Healing® Practitioner means everything to me, especially since being on the course. It has made me include my Unicorn guide / aspect, Merda in anything and everything creative, filling all with love and compassion. It has made my relationship with myself stronger and allowed me to let go of past hurts that I didn’t even realise I was still holding onto. With changing so much just by doing the course, I feel more loving and do everyday tasks with greater love and fun too – this has inspired and urged me to help others in the same magical way!

It fills me with such reward to know I have been providing great healing to help others release their fears, worries and help harmonise their relationships and self-belief, along with creating emotional balance and supporting them to stay on their path and in alignment to their Soul purpose.

I am more grateful and feel more blessed than I have ever felt before! I can’t wait to share the teachings with everyone and provide healing with the most powerful love I can give. My soul feels complete now that I have found the Unicorns.”

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