Meet Your Mermaid Guide Soul Immersion

MeetTheMermaidsSoulImmersion200x192This meditation supports the clearing of limiting beliefs surrounding lack and self-doubt while holds the space to align you to the creative and intuitive mermaids – real beings of nature that can strengthen your inner trust and allowance to Arise and Shine! Part of the Crystalline Attunement series to support your path to health and happiness. Recorded live and direct from the soul consciousness of Chrysocolla crystal and the Mermaids.

Like Chrysocolla crystal, mermaids support humankind to live in the moment and to be flexible to change. They share that you have within strength greater than any ocean, and that if you fill that strength Love, you can create anything you desire! Mermaids guide that there is infinite prosperity open to all and lack of such is merely an illusion created by the ego that exists in poverty consciousness. By aligning to the mermaids and Chrysocolla through this journey, any limiting beliefs concerning prosperity, freedom of expression and embodying your Divine Self are easily washed away, laying a strong foundation to build your dreams with ease and grace.

Journey length: This Soul Immersion is 29 minutes long and is delivered as a downloadable mp3. After purchase you will be emailed your journey. Please save to your computer to listen again and to transfer to your iTunes / phone / device.

Music: Enchanting seascape that effortlessly guides you into your Infinity. With embedded frequencies of Chrysocolla crystal and golden consciousness of the Mermaid realm.

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