Into the Heart of Gaia Soul Immersion

IntoHeartOfGaiaSoulImmersion200x192Into the Heart of Gaia takes you beyond the many layers of the self into the one true Self, where all is possible. Part of the Crystalline Attunement series to support your path to health and happiness. Recorded live and direct from the soul consciousness of Seraphinite crystal and the Earth Elementals.

Receive crystal healing from Mother Earth as you meet many nature spirits along the way. Access the Akashic (soul historical records) of Earth to remember your inherent gifts and support your path to in-lightenment.

NB: If you don’t have a Seraphinite crystal, just intend that you do or substitute with a clear quartz crystal during your journey.

Journey length: This Soul Immersion is 26 minutes long and is delivered as a downloadable mp3. After purchase you will be emailed your journey. Please save to your computer to listen again and to transfer to your iTunes / phone / device.

Music: Heavenly sound-scape to align you to your inner magic. With embedded frequencies of Seraphinite crystal and Divine consciousness of the Gaia.

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